Ian Linke - Adelaide - S.A, Australia. |
Really nice website and a great project. I hope this goes very well for you and inspires more to become involved in sport aviation in Australia.
Tue Oct 28 13:03:52 2008 |
www.users.on.net/~CirrusC2/contact.html |
Noel Otten - Johannesburg - South Africa. |
An interesting aeroplane. I had never heard of it. I am contemplating building a Piel Super Emeraude. Flew one years ago and loved it. Currently fly (and own) C150, Aviat Eagle2 (Christen), Steen Skybolt (being recovered), DH82A Tiger Moth (being restored). Good luck with your project. Your website is very well laid out. Like it a lot. Next time in Australia I'll give you a call. I periodically visit my wife's family, (she's Australian), in Caloundra. Noel Otten
Mon Jan 21 18:57:41 2008 |
www.brano.co.za |
Ray Rawles England. |
Hello your web site is very interesting I hope to build a Cherry BX-2 and have purchased plans licence no 233. Have you started construction yet. I live on the south coast of England.
Fri Aug 17 06:32:06 2007 |
Perry - Perth - W.A., Australia. |
Phil! Such a pretty little bird! I wish you well with the rest of your build.
Best regards, Perry.
Fri Aug 10 17:50:31 2007 |
Dale Robbins - Toowoomba - Qld, Australia. |
Great site which will no doubt produce a great finished product as well - best of luck with this.....
Mon Jul 23 11:37:19 2007 |
Rob McGrigor - Toowoomba - Qld, Australia. |
Dedicated, passionate and thorough, Phil. I look forward to seeing your beaming grin once it's done!
Sat Jul 21 16:03:56 2007 |
toowoombamusictherapy.com.au |
Lee Ebbutt - Boston - Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. |
Hi Phil, thanks for your superbly designed site.
Full of interesting and valuable info, you've done a great job, must be hard to find all the time! Keep up the good work.
Has been an absolute pleasure doing business with you.
All the best for the future
Fri Jul 13 01:44:44 2007 |
John Lamb - Toowoomba - Queensland, Australia. |
An amazing site Phil. It is always a challenge to be technically comprehensive but still interesting to a wide audience. You seem to have the right formula. The supplier list could become a very valuable resource for all of us home builders.
Wed Sep 6 21:33:05 2006 |
lambs.homedns.org |
Anonymous Visitor USA. |
Sehr schöne Bilder, Schone Seite überhaupt.
(Very beautiful pictures, preserve site for all.)
Mon Jun 26 03:33:26 2006 |
John WINTER - Cabarlah - Queensland, Australia. |
A good website for aviation enthusiasts, this site is slowly growing into a one stop site with links to every thing that is aviation orientated. Good job Phil, Cheers !!
Thu May 4 10:12:25 2006 |
Max Braendli (CHERRY Designer) - Safnern - Switzerland. |
Dear Phil,
I enjoy your very extended website and hope you will save some time to build.
For sure it is a big help for fellow builders and for myself.
Thanks a lot and wish good progress in building your dream!
I expect to send a portrait and some additional tips and hints for your website.
Mon Mar 13 20:55:37 2006 |
Jasmin Martin - Toowoomba - Queensland, Australia. |
From one web designer to the next I know how
much work this must have taken. Very
comprehensive with lots of useful info.
I look forward to the electronics tutorials coming soon.
Sun Mar 12 16:46:06 2006 |
www.alitta.com.au |
Monika Braendli - Safnern - Switzerland. |
Congratulations! Really an amazing website for
Cherry-Fans and builders. Great job!
Most fascinated I am with your log books.
And I will be curious enough to check on your
progress once in a while.
So be aware: Big "Sister" and her father are watching!
Once again, congratulations to your website
(the more I go back and forth I see how well designed it is!)
and good luck for your Cherry adventure!!
Where on earth is Toowooooomba? :-) Is it as "huge" as Safnern?
Best regards
Monika Braendli - Max's Daughter
Sun Mar 12 10:46:32 2006 |
Stephen Dines - Rozelle - New South Wales, Australia. |
Hi Phil,
Your web-site is amazing. The information you've taken
time to include will help a lot of people, and not only
builders - for example, your German-English translations
have already helped me to understand some documents that
I have to deal with regarding an imported aircraft. Thank you.
You will need some help with the Cherry from time to time
and there are a lot of clever and experienced aircraft
builders around you in the Toowoomba area, who will no
doubt assist. Although I am not nearby, if I can help
in other ways from time to time, please feel free to call me.
Good luck - enjoy the journey.
Stephen Dines.
Sat Mar 11 11:50:56 2006 |
Jöern Blunder - Stammham - Germany. |
Very nice homepage. I see you did a hard job to make it.
I like it. Greetings to all Cherry-builder.
Sat Mar 11 02:56:02 2006 |
home.arcor.de/joern.blunder/index.html |
Kazuyuki Takatsu - Sakai - Fukui, Japan. |
Hi, Phil. What a amazing website! I'm not familiar with
computers and planes, but I'll try to read it through.
Please wait until I finish.(Ha-ha-ha)
Fri Mar 10 22:36:41 2006 |
Ian Mutzelburg - Pittsworth - Queensland, Australia. |
Good work Phil. I particularly like the Material
Suppliers page. Could be very useful for other aircraft builders.
Fri Mar 10 21:17:14 2006 |
Ken Askin - Toowoomba - Queensland, Australia. |
Quite a nice and professional site.
Only problem is it takes a while to download on my poor slow modem.
Fri Mar 10 14:23:06 2006 |
Kevin Shailer - Toowoomba - Queensland, Australia. |
I like your website, if only I could understand more
about computers.. :-} . I like the Garage Sale
idea, I wait for more items to be added.
Fri Mar 10 09:50:52 2006 |
Wolfgang Spang - Kuelz (Village) - RLP, Germany. |
Hello Phillip,
Your Cherry-page is awesome already. If you stick to
this as you started it, which I am convinced you will
do, it will become the most detailed Cherry support-page
- especially for our English speaking fellows at all.
I did not dare to count the hours spent on my Cherry,
but I am very curious about the total you are going to
add up to… In my case it might have been anywhere around
5000 hours, but building your own plane from plans truly
is a rewarding experience.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. - I am
going to put a link to your page on my website when
updating next time
Best regards, Wolfgang.
Fri Mar 10 05:19:22 2006 |
www.spang-air.de |
Jan Hermsen - Cuijk - The Netherlands.. |
Very detailed website, costs a lot of time. I first
started to build my Cherry (consumes much more time)
and halfway I made only a web photo album. Keep on
building! I put about 80% of my free time in it!
Thu Mar 9 23:08:21 2006 |
//www.xs4all.nl/~hermhart/phamj/ |