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 German as applies to the "Cherry BX-2" Construction Set ...
For general German to English translations use one of the Automatic Translators such as Google.

I would appreciate every assistance translating entries in the table below that are highlighted in red with blue background. If you can assist please email me.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
GERMAN Word or Phrase ENGLISH Translation
3 oder 5 fach verleimt Glue 3 to 5 times
achsen axles
Achs-Schenkel Knuckle
Aerodux A special brand for wood-glue
Anbau Fahrwerkholm installation of undercarriage beam chassis cross-beam
anniet-mutter anchor nut
anpassen adapt (To make fit)
Ansaugbox (Vergaser) Sucking in box (carburetor)
Antreibslager Querruder Drive Positioning Aileron
Antrieb Propelled / Driven
apparate-griff apparatus-handle
apparate-knopf apparatus button
auf up
Auflagen Layering
aus out
Befestigung Attachment
Bemerkung Remark
benzinfest gasoline compatible
Benzinstand Fuel level
beschläge Fittings / (Cover something) layer something over something
Beschlagoben Upper Cover
Beschlagunten Lower Cover
Birke birch
Blech Tin (Thin Metal)
Blechschrauben Tapping screws - eg for Tin
Blei lead
Block A block of wood… (depends)
Breite Width/Bredth
bremsbelag brake lining
Bremschebel Brake Lever
Bremszylinder Brake Cylinder
Brett Board (any size or shape)
Briden, Feder ??? Spring
Bugrad-Bein Node Gear Wheel Leg
Bugrad-Details Nose Gear Wheel Detail
Bugrad-Führung Nose Gear Wheel Guidance
Bugrad-Klinke Nose Gear Wheel Locking Handle
Bugrad-Stütze Nose Gear Wheel Support
Bugrad-Support Nose Gear Wheel Support
bundbüchsen flanged bushes
Delrin Is a brand name from DuPond for Polyoxymethylen (a rigid kind of plastic)
Dichtung Seal
dick thick
draht wire
drahtseil wire rope
Dreieckleisten Skinney wood for Triangular thing
druckfeder Compression Spring
drucktaste push button
Eckleisten Corner pieces of wood
einlagen inserts
einpassen to fit
eloxieren anodized
eloxiert anodized
entgleis sicherung derail safety device
Esche Ash
Extension Extension
Fahrwerkholm Chassis cross-beam
Fahrwerk-riegel Chassis Latch Mechanism
Federbein Shock Strut
Federstahl Spring Steel
Flachprofil Flat profile (Shallow)
Flap-Antriebsrohr Flap-drive pipe
Flap-Antrieb-Teile Flap drive parts
Flap-Federzug Flap spring installation (Spring with tension)
Flaphebel Flap Lever
Flaprechts right Flap
Führungen Guide
Führungs-Support Guidance Support
Füllstück spacer
für for
Fahrwerk-Hebel Gear Lever
Gegenstand Item/Article
Gelenkkopf Ball Joint / Head of a Joint
Gelenklage Uniflon Joint bearing– Uniflon is a brand name
Gewindehülse Threaded Sleeve
gewindeplatte thread plate
gewindestange threaded rod
Gewinde-Stift inbus Headless bolt with a socket (allen) drive - socket set screw - grub screw
glasgewebe glass fibre
Glasrovings Fibre Glass Rovings
Gleitscheiben Slip Washers
griff Handled
Griff mit Schlossz. Grasp with lock
griffe Handled
grund reason
grundieren prime (may mean key reason or to Undercoat)
gummi rubber
guss casting
Halteelement Retaining element eg Glue/Clamp/Screw/Bolt/Nail/etc.
haube hood
Haubenanschluss Hood connection/Hinge
hauben-Oberteil hood upper section
hauben-unterteil hood lower part
Haubenverschluss oben Hood lock above
Haubenverschlussvorn Hood lock in front
Hauptbolzen Main Bolt
Hauptrad-Bremse main brakes
Heckspant Tail frame
Heckverglasung Tail glazing
Herstell-Form Template
Hilfsholm False spar/Support Beam
Hilfsholm Mitte False spar/Support Beam center
Hinteres Deck Rear deck
hochmolekular Polyäthylen high-molecular Polyethelene
höhenruder elevator
Hohlfeder hollow spring
holm cross-beam
holmgurt spar boom/Strap/Belt
Holmgurte Spar Booms
holmsteg, rippen spar web, ribs
Holmverbund Cross Beam Assembly/Hold/Glue/Bind
HR-Stange und Lager Elevator Push rod and Bearing
HR-Stangenstütze HR bar support
in blechform giessen in sheet metal form pour
Instrumentenbrett Instrument panel
isolator insulator
kabel cable
kantenschutzprofil edge protection section
keil wedge
Klappenlagerung Flap mounting/position/installation
Klavierband Piano hinge
KleinteileFlügel Small item/part of wing
klemmlänge grip/how long to clamp time/distance
Klinken-Betätigung Locking Mechanism
klotz block
klötze Blocks
Konische Kuppe Conical End (Tapered End)
Konsole Console
Kopf Head
koppelglied coupling element/small segment
kronenmutter slotted nut (Castle nut)
kugelhahn ball valve/tap
kugellager ball bearing
kulisse Window blind / Curtain
kunstleder imitation leather
kunststoff plastic / Anything artificial
Kurbel, Stange Crank, Bar
kurbelachse cranking axle
Küvetten-Scheiben Cuvette Disks
Lagerung Mount
laminat laminate
Länge Length
Länge bei Montage Lengthens with assembling
langer Schaft, mit Stoppmutter long shank with stop nut
laufrollen castors
Leiste Small (Skinney) piece of Wood
leisten Small Wood
Lenkantrieb Steering Drive
Lenkdämpfung Steer Shock Absorber
lenkungsdämpfer Steering Damper
Lenkungsteile Steering Element-Drive
links left
luftfilter air cleaner
Masse aus Zeichn. Mass out draw.
Massenausgleich balancer
messing brass
Metall Metal
Mikroschalter microswitch
mit anschluss with connection
mit loch für Drahtsicherung with hole for wire fuse
mit Sicherungsloch with lockhole
Monel A special type of Aluminum (rivets...)
Motorbock Engine support
Motorhaube Hood
mutter nut
niet rivet
nieten oder mit spez. Leim aufkleben Rivet or with special glue - glue on
nietfeder Rivetted Spring
nietmuttern rivet nuts
Nitril Material like - nitril butadiene rubber NBR (a natural gasket material)
Nylstop Nylon Lock Nuts
oder or
Oesen eyes
panhead-schraube panhead screws
pedale pedals
Pertinax A material (sheet) laminated of hard paper and phenol resin (smells disgusting when machining)
platte plate
Pneu Pneumatic
Pop-Niet Pop Rivet
probieren trial and error
probieren try
QR-Torsionsrohr Aileron torque tube
QR-Umlenkung Aileron Detour
Querruder Aileron
Radgabel Wheel Fork
Radnaben Wheel Hubs
Randbogen Wing tip edge
Rändelschraube Knurled thumb screw
Rechteckprofil Rectangle Profile
rechts right
rippe rib
rippen ribs
Rohr Pipe
rollenbock roller fixture
rostfrei Stainless
Rumpfboot Fuselage
Rumpf-Flaprechts Fuselage Flaps Right
rund round
rundkantig round corners / May be hexagonal etc.
Rundprofil Round Profile
Schalttafel-Profil Instrument Panel Profile
Scharniere hinges
Scharniere Hinge
Schäublin A company name in Switzerland
schaum foam
schaumplatte Foam Sheet
schaumstoff foam material
Schichtholz Laminated Wood / Plywood
Schiebenhaube Pushing hood
Schrauben Screws
Schweisstab Welding Rod
seil rope / Steel cable
seilrolle Pulley
seilroller Pulley Wheel
seilscheibe quadrant
Seilspanner Rope Tensioning Device
Sieb filter
siehe Zeichnung see design
Silberstahl Silver Steel - Non Rusting Steel
Sitzauflage (Mitte) Seat Support (Cerntre)
Sitzschale Seat bowl
SK-Holzschraube SK wood screw
später trennen later separate
Sperrholz Plywood
spiegelb mirror image
splinte split pins
ST Kugel Steel Ball
Stab Stick
stahl Steel
stangenköpfe rod ends
starke strong
Stege Bars / Sticks in framework
Steuerknüppel Steering Stick
Steuer-Koppelrohr Steering Coupling Pipe
Steuerlager Steering Base/Foundation/Mounting
Steuerstangen Steering/Control rods
Stop-Mutter Stop-Nut
Streifen Strip
Stückliste Parts List
Tank Tank
tankverschluss Fuel Cap
Trimm trim
trimmhebel trim lever
trimmrollen, spor trim roll, spur
T-Rohrstück T-Pipe
U-Scheibe gross Washer - Large outside diameter – nonstandard
Unibal Just a brand name for joint bearings
U-Scheibe (Unterlegscheibe) Washer
Velo-Bremskabel Bicycle Brake Cable
Ventilloch Valve Hole
Verbinder Link
vergüten Tension of Bolts
vergütet ReTension of Bolts
Verschlusskegel Catch Cone
Verschlusszapfen Locking pin
Verschraubung Screw Connection - To lock tight
verzinkt Galvanized
vierkantprofil square profile
vierkantrohr Square tube
viton Viton compound
von of
von hecktüre Renault R4 of backdoor Renault R4
vorhangschiene curtain rail
vredestein Tire brand like bridgestone
Vulkollan A trademark of Bayer, a kind of plastic with an elasticity similar to rubber
Weichprofil Soft profile
wie gez. How it is drawn / as drawn
windungen threads
Winkelprofil angle profile
Zahnstocher toothpick
Zentralholm Central Cross-Beam
ZK-Inbus ZK = Zylinderkopf schraube -> cap screw
ZK-Schrauben socket head screw
Zugfeder Pull Spring / Course Spring
zugfeder tension spring
Zusatz zu Additive too


Have I translated something incorrectly?

If I have please let me know. Send me an email so I can correct it.

I will be most appreciative.

Feedback is always welcome.

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